Friday, January 18, 2013

Macbeth Act II Questions


Scene i

1) Who says the following: “Their candles are all out. Take thee that too. A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives away in repose.” What is significant about the quote? How has the atmosphere of the castle been changed?

Banquo, he has a bad feeling about something and cannot sleep because of it. He thinks something bad is going to happen, and the castle has a more foreboding feel to it.

2) Why does Banquo mention his dream of the Weird Sisters? Hint: Ironically this is his last dream.

Banquo states that part of what the witches predicted for Macbeth was true. It shows that he was really thinking about it and that it bothered him.

3) What does Macbeth say he and Banquo will talk about later in private?

Banquo’s dream about the witches

4) Reread lines 42-70. Briefly summarize what Macbeth is saying in this soliloquy.

Macbeth is hallucinating about a dagger that is leading him towards Duncan.

5) How does the illusion of the dagger play into the mindset of either witchcraft or Macbeth losing it?

Daggers don’t typically appear out of thin air, so I think it is a hallucination. Macbeth is very stressed out because of this whole I’m-going-to-become-a-murder ordeal, and he’s going a bit crazy because of it.

Scene ii

1) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”?

The more alcohol that people drink the more confident she becomes with her actions

2) Symbolically what does the fatal bellman toll? More than one thing here. And who is the fatal bellmen—the one Lady Macbeth hears?

The bells that ring before an execution

3) How do you read the lines, “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done ‘t.” What does this say about Lady Macbeth?

She doesn’t want to have any feelings, but this shows that she has emotions

4) Sleep is an important symbol in this play. Please keep a list of all the times (with line numbers) that sleep is mentioned in Act II. Attach and turn this list in with these questions.

5) What is meant when Macbeth says, “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”?

He says that he heard this. He kills Duncan in his sleep, so this is a sort of a curse caused by the witches

6) Why is Lady Macbeth upset with Macbeth towards the end of scene ii?

He brought the dagger back

7) What is symbolic about the knocking that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear?

God knocking

8) What does Lady Macbeth say about washing of hands at the end of the scene? Do you believe her?

She says that washing the blood off her hands will clear her of the horrible deeds. No, the thoughts of it will haunt her for the rest of her life

Scene iii

1) How is the Porter a humorous character? What does he say about drink? How does he metaphorical set the atmosphere of the scene?
He’s pretending to be the gatekeeper of hell, and makes up people and has conversations with them. He talks about how drinking gets your hopes up but doesn’t let you get what you want. He shows that the castle has become a hell, but is also used as comic relief.

2) Who is at the gates? (more than 1 person)

Macduff (the agent of god) and Lennox

3) What does Macduff mean when he says, “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!”?

He’s saying that something horrible has just happened.

4) How does Macbeth react to the news of the king’s murder? How does Lady Macbeth react?

Macbeth acts surprised and then confesses to killing the guards because of it. Lady Macbeth distracts everyone by “fainting”

5) Where do Donalbain and Malcolm decide to go? Why?
Donalbain decides to go to Ireland
Malcolm decides to go to England
They are the runners up for the throne and do not wish to be assassinated also.

Scene iv

1) What is meant by the old man when he says, “On Tuesday last, a falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place, was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed”? What is symbolically suggested here? Hint: Relate the birds to scene ii.
The Falcon is the king, while the owl is Macbeth

2) What does Macduff say about Malcolm and Donalbain?

They paid the servants to kill Duncan, then ran away.

3) What does Macduff say about Macbeth?

He is to be crowned

4) What is meant by the line, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”?

“Let’s hope things don’t get worse”

5) Why doesn’t Macduff go to the coronation?

He goes home because he is suspicious

1 comment:

  1. Scene 2
    1) Lady Macbeth is talking about the alcohol the guards drank. No one else.
    2) There's two parts to this question. Where is the second part.
    4) ? Not sure where this is.
    5) By the three witches - are you sure? How do you know this?
