Title of Story:
Setting: Time:
Place(s): ________________
Point of View: ____________________
List of Characters:
Protagonist: _______________ Dynamic character:
Briefly explain how the
dynamic character changes:
Antagonist: _______________ Static character: _________________
Round character(s):
_______________ Flat character(s):
Briefly discuss the different
aspects of the round characters life that we see:
Briefly explain the conflict:
What type of conflict is
this: __________________________________________
Give three examples of
foreshadow: ________________
Briefly discuss the theme
(this should be in your own words and should be a statement):
Plot: Exposition: ______________________
Inciting Event: ___________________
Rising Action (list at least three events):
Climax: _________________________
Action: (list as many events as you can)
Resolution: ______________________
Summary: Write a brief summary of the story.
Examples of Dialect:
Examples of metaphors and
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