Tuesday, February 19, 2013

MACBETH: Study Questions—ACT 5

MACBETH: Study Questions—ACT 5

Scene 1

1) What do the nurse (gentlewoman) and the doctor see?

Lady Macbeth sleepwalking and writing

2) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!...will these hands never be clean.”

She can’t wash her sins away

3) What is wrong with Lady Macbeth at this point of the play?

She is going crazy because of the murders her husband committed

Scene 2

1) What happens in this scene? What new characters are introduced? Why?

Menteith, Caithness, Angus It shows that other Scottish thanes are rebelling against Macbeth.

2) What is the significance of the scene?

It shows that other Scottish thanes are rebelling against Macbeth.

3) What is meant when Caithness says, “Some say he’d mad; others that lesser hate him do call it valiant fury”?

Some say he is insane, others say Macbeth has brave anger, but he is not giving up.

Scene 3

1) How would you describe Macbeth’s attitude and mood in this scene?

He is confident and still feels invincible

2) Why isn’t Macbeth afraid? Do his soldier’s seem afraid? Why or why not?

The trees haven’t moved. They seem afraid because Macbeth is handing them their death sentence because he is rushing them into a battle they could be killed in.

Scene 4

1) What does Malcolm order the soldiers to do?

Have each soldier carry a tree branch to hide the numbers from Macbeth

Scene 5

1) What is meant when Macbeth says, “She should have died here-after”?

She should have waited to die until there was more time for mourning or she would have died eventually so it’s better now than later

2) What is the significant of the following quote, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is told no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”

Life has no meaning

Scene 6

1) What is important about this scene?

The army reaches Macbeth’s castle and the battle begins

Scene 7

1) Who does Macbeth kill in this scene? What is significant about this death?

Young Siward, it signifies that no man of woman born could kill Macbeth

Scene 8

1) What happens in this scene?

Macbeth is slain and Malcolm is pronounced king

2) Why does Macbeth lose heart in the fight against Macduff?

Because Macduff was born via C-Section, therefore not technically of woman born

3) Who is named king at the end of the play?


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