Friday, September 7, 2012

Everyday Use Questions

1) Dee had changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo because she wants to connect with her African roots. She wears colorful clothing and has found a new boyfriend, whose name also resembles that of a keyboard slam.

2) Dee wants the quilt to hang in her new home.

3) Maggie and Mama

4) Dee thinks Mama and Maggie don’t understand their heritage because they actually use the quilts instead of hanging them off. Dee believes that the quilt is an artifact while Mama and Maggie think that it should still be used.

                        -She’s smart
                        -She’s creative (with the name change and all that)
                        -She seems semi-successful (she’s rich… or she’s a gold-digger)
                        -She’s bossy
                        -She claims things
                        -She doesn’t understand family
                        -She isn’t used to being told “No”
                        -She sticks up for Maggie and herself
                        -She understands the importance of heritage
                        -She realizes that not all old things are artifacts and they can be used
                        -She let Dee walk all over her when Dee was growing up
                        -She doesn’t talk too much
-She let Dee walk all over her
-She was going to let Dee take the quilt
-She was afraid of Dee
            -He has a stupid name

6) Dee thinks that the quilts are artifacts. Maggie thinks that they are quilts and should still be used.

7) Mama has always let Dee do whatever she wants. She finally sticks up for herself and Maggie.

8)Heritage – Dee thinks that her family should be more towards their heritage
When Dee was little she wanted to look really good, which was hard because the family is poor.

9) Heritage is something that is used daily. Dee views heritage as something to preserve, whereas Mama and Maggie think that it is part of you.

10) In Everyday Use, the quilts have clothing sewn into the pattern. Alice Walker did the same thing with her quilts. Both quilts have stories behind them, but the points of them are to be used as quilts.

11) In the current time period, everything old is preserved. The conflicts between family members still exist, but most people would agree to preserve it. We no longer use old things, even if they would be useful.

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